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🫡 Declaring actions

The EVM actions API consists in a simple flow of GET and POST requests:

  • the GET request returns a human-readable metadata information (supporting JSON format) to the client about what actions are available at the given URL, and an optional list of related actions;
  • the POST request returns a transaction or message that the client can prompt to the user's wallet to be signed or executed.

Actions are described with JSON format.

// Defines the structure for input fields associated with an action.
interface ActionInputFields {
  name: string; // Unique identifier for the input field
  placeholder?: string; // Optional placeholder text to display in the input field
  required?: boolean; // Optional flag indicating if the input field is required (defaults to false)
// Enumerates the different types of actions that can be performed.
enum ActionLinkType {
  TX = "tx", // Represents a transaction action
  SIGNATURE = "signature", // Represents a signature action
  LINK = "link", // Represents a hyperlink action
  ONE_CLICK_LOGIN = "one-click-login", // Represents a one-click login action
// Defines the structure for links associated with an action, detailing how the action is executed.
interface ActionLink {
  targetUrl: string; // The primary URL associated with the action (e.g., for navigation or POST requests)
  postUrl?: string; // Optional URL for a POST request to be made after the action is executed
  label: string; // Human-readable text describing the action
  type: ActionLinkType; // The type of action, as defined in the ActionLinkType enum
  inputFields?: ActionInputFields[]; // Optional array of input fields required for the action
// Represents the overall structure of an EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) action, including metadata and actionable links.
interface EVMAction {
  title: string; // The title of the EVM Action, typically displayed as a header
  description: string; // A brief description of what the EVM Action entails
  image: string; // URL to an image representing the EVM Action visually
  links: ActionLink[]; // An array of ActionLink objects, defining the actionable elements associated with the EVM Action
  label: string; // A label for the EVM Action, possibly used as button text or similar

Typescript Interfaces to support EVM Actions properly.

const evmActionMetadata: EVMAction = {
    title: "Sample EVM Action",
    description: "This is a sample EVM Action",
    image: "",
    links: [
        targetUrl: `${appURL()}/api/tx`,
        postUrl: `${appURL()}/tx-success`, // this will be a GET HTTP call
        label: "Tx",
        type: ActionLinkType.TX,
        targetUrl: `${appURL()}/api/signature`,
        postUrl: `${appURL()}/api/signature/success`, // this will be a POST HTTP call
        label: "Signature",
        type: ActionLinkType.SIGNATURE,
        targetUrl: `${appURL()}/api/action-login`,
        postUrl: `${appURL()}/api/action-login/success`, // this will be a GET HTTP call
        label: "1-click login",
        type: ActionLinkType.ONE_CLICK_LOGIN,
        targetUrl: ``,
        label: "Link",
        type: ActionLinkType.LINK,
    label: "Sample Button",

Sample action showcasing how to declare the 4 action types